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Wave allows users to connect to various machines and unify them together in a way that preserves the unique behavior of each. At the moment, this extends to SSH remote connections and local WSL connections.

Access a Connection in a Block

The easiest way to access connections is to click the icon. From there, you can either type [user]@[host] for a desired SSH remote or type wsl://<distribution name> for a desired WSL distribution. Alternatively, if the connection already exists in the dropdown list, you can either click it or navigate to it with arrow keys and press enter to connect.

a dropdown showing a list of connections that already exist

What are wsh Shell Extensions?

wsh is a small program that helps manage waveterm regardless of which machine you are currently connected to. It is always included on your host machine, but you also have the option to install it when connecting to a remote machine. If it is installed on the remote machine, it is installed at ~/.waveterm/bin/wsh. Then, when wave connects to your connection (and only when wave connects to your connection), the following happens:

  • ~/.waveterm/bin is added to your PATH for that individual session. This allows the user to use the wsh command without providing the complete path.
  • Several environment variables are injected into the session to make certain tasks with wsh easier. These are listed below.
  • The user-defined environment variables in the cmd:env entry ofconnections.json are injected into the session.
  • The user-defined initialization scripts located in connections.json are run. For more information on these scripts, see the section below.

If this fails for some reason, Wave will attempt to run without wsh. You will see this indicated by a small icon in the block header. For more info on what wsh is capable of, see wsh command. And if you wish to view the source code of wsh, you can find it here.

With wsh installed, you have the ability to view certain widgets from the remote machine as if it were your host, for instance the files and sysinfo widgets. In addition, wsh can be used to influence the widgets across various machines. As a simple example, you can close a widget on the host machine by using the wsh command in a terminal window on a remote machine. For more information on what you can accomplish with wsh, take a look here.

Additional Environment Variables

As mentioned above, wsh injects a few environment variables in remote sessions for the user's convenience. These are listed below:

Variable NameDescription
TERM_PROGRAMSet to waveterm in wave.
WAVETERMThis is set to 1 in wave.
WAVETERM_BLOCKIDThe id of the block containing your current terminal widget.
WAVETERM_CLIENTIDThe id of the RPC Client being used by your current terminal widget.
WAVETERM_CONNThe name of the remote connection being used by your current terminal widget.
WAVETERM_TABIDThe id of the tab containing your current terminal widget.
WAVETERM_VERSIONThe current semver version of wave.
WAVETERM_WORKSPACEIDThe id of thw workspace containing your current terminal widget.

Initialization Scripts

Wave provides you with options for running initialization scripts on your remote machines when connecting to them. These are defined in connections.json and can take either the form of the path of a script or a short script written directly in the file. If multiple scripts are defined, the most specific one relevant to the current shell is applied. The keywords for the scripts are:

Script KeywordShells Where Applied
cmd:initscriptall shells
cmd:initscript.shbash and zsh

Add a New Connection to the Dropdown

The SSH values that are loaded into the dropdown by default are obtained by parsing the internal config/connections.json file in addition to your ~/.ssh/config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config files. Adding a new connection can be added in a couple ways:

  • adding a new Host to one of your ssh config files, typically the ~/.ssh/config file
  • adding a new entry in the internal config/connections.json file
  • manually typing your connection into the connection box (if this successfully connects, the connection will be added to the internal config/connections.json file)
  • use wsh ssh [user]@[host] in your terminal (if this successfully connects, the connection will be added to the internal config/connections.json file)

WSL values are added by searching the installed WSL distributions as they appear in the Windows Registry.

SSH Config Parsing

At the moment, we are capable of parsing any SSH config file that does not contain the Match keyword. This keyword is incompatible with a library we are using, but we are hoping to fix that soon. While all other valid keywords are parsed, we only support the functionality of a small subset of them at the moment:

HostThe pattern to match when attempting to connect via [user]@[host]. We list hosts that do not contain any wildcards characters (*, ?, or !). Even if a host pattern contains wildcards, it will still be parsed when determining the values associated with the keys as usual.
UserThe user of the SSH remote connection. This will default to the current user on the local machine if not specified.
HostNameThe real host name of the machine to log into. An IP address can be used if desired. This will default to the Host if not specified.
PortThe port to connect to the remote on. 22 is the default if not specified.
IdentityFileThis can be specified more than once per host. It gives the path to a private identity file (id_rsa, id_ed25519, id_ecdsa, etc.) that is used to authenticate the connection. Each will be tried in order, and they can be encrypted with a passphrase if desired. If no value is set, the default is to try in order: ~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk, ~/.ssh/id_dsa.
BatchModeIf set to true, user interaction via password, challenge/response, and publickey passphrase authentication will be disabled. It is set to false by default.
PubkeyAuthentication(partial) This is used to specify if pubkey authentication should be attempted. It is partially implementented as the unbound and host-bound values simply work the same as the yes value. The default is yes.
PasswordAuthenticationThis is used to specify if password authentication should be attempted. The default is yes.
KbdInteractiveAuthenticationThis is used to specify if keyboard-interactive authentication should be attempted. The default is yes.
PreferredAuthentications(partial) Specifies the order the client should attempt to authenticate in. It is partially implemented as it does not support gssapi-with-mic or hostbased authentication. The default is publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
AddKeysToAgent(partial) This option will automatically add keys and their corresponding passphrase to your running ssh agent if it is enabled. It is partially supported as it can only accept yes and no as valid inputs. Other inputs such as confirm or a time interval will behave the same as no. The default value is no.
IdentityAgentSpecifies the Unix Domain Socket used to communicate with the SSH Agent. This is used to overwrite the SSH_AUTH_SOCK identity agent.
IdentitiesOnlySpecifies that only the specified authentication identity files should be used. This is either the default files or the ones specified with the IdentityFile keyword. It can accept yes or no. The default value is no.
ProxyJumpSpecifies one or more jump proxies in a comma separated list. Each will be visited sequentially using TCP forwarding before connecting to the desired connection (also using TCP forwarding). It can be set to none to disable the feature.
UserKnownHostsFileProvides the location of one or more user host key database files for recording trusted remote connections. The filenames are entered in the same string and separated by whitespace. The default value is "~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts2".
GlobalKnownHostsFileProvides the location of one or more global host key database files for recording trusted remote connections. The filenames are entered in the same string and separated by whitespace. The default value is "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2".

Example SSH Config Host

For a quick example, a host in your config file may look like:

Host myhost
User username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
AddKeysToAgent yes

You would then be able to access this connection with myhost or username@myhost. And if you wanted to manually specify a port such as port 2222, you could do that by either adding Port 2222 to the config file or connecting to username@myhost:2222.

Internal SSH Configuration

In addition to the regular ssh config file, wave also has its own config file to manage separate variables. These include

conn:wshenabledThis boolean allows wsh to be used for your connection, if it is set to false, wsh will never be used for that connection. It defaults to true.
conn:askbeforewshinstallThis boolean is used to prompt the user before installing wsh. If it is set to false, wsh will automatically be installed instead without prompting. It defaults to true.
conn:wshpathA string indicating the path to the wsh executable on the connection. It defaults to "~/.waveterm/bin/wsh".
conn:shellpathA string indicating the path to the shell executable on the connection. If not set, the output of $SHELL on the connection will be used.
conn:ignoresshconfigThis boolean allows wave to ignore the ~/.ssh/config file for resolving keywords for this connection. The regular defaults will be used, but all changes to those must be specified in the connections.json file instead. This defaults to false.
display:hiddenThis boolean hides the connection from the dropdown list. It defaults to false
display:orderThis float determines the order of connections in the connection dropdown. It defaults to 0.
term:fontsizeThis int can be used to override the terminal font size for blocks using this connection. The block metadata takes priority over this setting. It defaults to null which means the global setting will be used instead.
term:fontfamilyThis string can be used to specify a terminal font family for blocks using this connection. The block metadata takes priority over this setting. It defaults to null which means the global setting will be used instead.
term:themeThis string can be used to specify a terminal theme for blocks using this connection. The block metadata takes priority over this setting. It defaults to null which means the global setting will be used instead.
cmd:envA json object with key value pairs of environment variables and the value they should be set to for this remote. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscriptA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with any shell. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscript.shA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with POSIX shells like bash or zsh. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscript.bashA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with the bash shell. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscript.zshA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with the zsh shell. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscript.pwshA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with the pwsh shell. This only works if wsh is enabled.
cmd:initscript.fishA script or a path to a script that runs when initializing this connection with the fish shell. This only works if wsh is enabled.
ssh:userA string that indicates the username of the connection. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:hostnameA string representing the internal hostname of the connection. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:portA string to indicate the numerical port to connect on. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:identityfileA list of strings containing the paths to identity files that will be used. If a wsh ssh command using the -i flag is successful, the identity file will automatically be added here. These are used before the ~/.ssh/config values.
ssh:identitiesonlyA boolean indicating if only the specified identity files should be used. This means only the files set with the ssh:identityfile flag or the defaults. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:batchmodeA boolean indicating if password and passphrase prompts should be skipped. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:pubkeyauthenticationA boolean indicating if public key authentication is enabled. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:passwordauthenticationA boolean indicating if password authentication is enabled. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:kbdinteractiveauthenticationA boolean indicating if keyboard interactive authentication is enabled. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:preferredauthenticationsA list of strings indicating an ordering of different types of authentications. Each authentication type will be tried in order. This supports "publickey", "keyboard-interactive", and "password" as valid types. Other types of authentication are not handled and will be skipped. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:addkeystoagentA boolean indicating if the keys used for a connection should be added to the ssh agent. Can be used to override the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:identityagentA string giving the path to the unix domain socket of the identity agent. Can be used to overwrite the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:proxyjumpA list of strings specifying the names of hosts that must be successively visited with tcp forwarding to establish a connection. Can be used to overwrite the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:userknownhostsfileA list containing the paths of any user host key database files used to keep track of authorized connections. Can be used to overwrite the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.
ssh:globalknownhostsfileA list containing the paths of any global host key database files used to keep track of authorized connections. Can be used to overwrite the value in ~/.ssh/config or to set it if the ssh config is being ignored.

Example Internal Configurations

Here are a couple examples of things you can do using the internal configuration file connections.json:

Hiding a Connection

Suppose you have a connection named in your ~/.ssh/config file that shows up as [email protected] in the connections dropdown. While it does belong in the config file for authentication reasons, it makes no sense to be in the dropdown since it doesn't involve connecting to a remote environment. In that case, you can hide it as in the example below:

    <... other connections go here ...>,
    "[email protected]" : {
        "display:hidden": true
    <... other connections go here ...>

Moving a Connection

Suppose you have a connection named rarelyused that shows up as myusername@rarelyused:9999 in the connections dropdown. Since it's so rarely used, you would prefer to move it later in the list. In that case, you can move it as in the example below:

    <... other connections go here ...>,
    "myusername@rarelyused:9999" : {
        "display:order": 100
    <... other connections go here ...>

Theming a Connection

Suppose you have a connection named myhost that shows up as myusername@myhost in the connections dropdown. You use this connection a lot, but you keep getting it mixed up with your local connections. In this case, you can use the internal configuration file to style it differently. For example:

    <... other connections go here ...>,
    "myusername@myhost" : {
        "term:theme": "warmyellow",
        "term:fontsize": 16,
        "term:fontfamily": "menlo"
    <... other connections go here ...>

This style, font size, and font family will then only apply to the widgets that are using this connection.

Entirely Defined Internally

Suppose you want to set up a connection but have no desire to learn the syntax of ~/.ssh/config. In this case, you can entirely define the connection in your connections.json file. For example:

    <... other connections go here ...>,
    "myusername@myhost" : {
        "ssh:hostname": "",
        "ssh:identityfile": ["~/.ssh/myidentityfile"],
        "ssh:identitiesonly": true,
        "ssh:addkeystoagent": true
    <... other connections go here ...>

This will create a connection without that connection needing to be in the ~/.ssh/config file. A couple additional options are set as well as an example of how that can be done.

Disabling wsh for a Connection

While Wave provides an option disable wsh when first connecting to a remote, there are cases where you may wish to disable it afterward. The easiest way to do this is by editing the connections.json file. Suppose the connection shows up in the dropdown as root@wshless. Then you can disable it manually with the following line:

    <... other connections go here ...>,
    "root@wshless" : {
        "conn:enablewsh": false,
    <... other connections go here ...>

Note that this same line gets added to your connections.json file automatically when you choose to disable wsh in gui when initially connecting.

Managing Connections with the CLI

The wsh command gives some commands specifically for interacting with the connections. You can view these here.

Troubleshooting Connections

Log Files

If there are issues with connections, the easiest first step is to enable debugging in a terminal widget that is trying to connect. To do this, click the button and hover over the Debug Connection item. From there you can select two log levels, Info and Verbose. After this, debug info will print out to the terminal during the connection.

If this is not sufficient, it is also possible to view the full log file. To do this, you can run the command wsh wavepath log to get the location of a log file.

Known Limitations

In the case that there is an error setting up wsh, your connection will still launch without wsh. However, depending on the debug info, there are a few things that can cause this.

Shell Type

Wave is capable of injecting wsh in the following shells:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • pwsh (powershell)
  • fish

If the shell is different than those, it is possible the wsh command will not work by default. The easiest way to fix this at the moment is the switch the shell type. This can be done by setting the conn:shellpath value with a path to one of the above shells in the connections.json file for the connection you are trying to use. Alternatively, you can use the chsh command to change the shell in that connection, but this will also take effect outside of wave. Once this is done, restart wave for the changes to take effect.

AllowTcpForwarding in sshd

Some systems have sshd configured to disable TCP forwarding by default. This can be found on the connection in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. In that file, search for the line containing AllowTcpForwarding. If this is set to no, it is likely the reason wsh will not work on your connection. In order to get wsh working, set the value for AllowTcpForwarding to either yes or local (they both provide different levels of permission but both work in this case). Then, restart the sshd service with whichever method your remote machine provides. Once that is done, restart wave, so it can reconnect with this change.